Monday, October 10, 2011

How To: Reach Out and Stretch

We've all done it. We've all had a big yawn and bigger stretch, an outward push of the arms, an arch of the back, it all feels so good. We break the comfort of our bed and comforter, couch and favorite blanket... all to stretch beyond what we know as a comfortable place. It feels so natural, so unmistakably good that we don't question it -- but we really should. 

What is it about breaking the comfort of now that makes stretching feel so good?

Because it allows us to become greater than the moment that we're in. That's why it feels so fulfilling. So here's the fast and nasty lesson of the day: stretching out of our comfort zone, no matter how comfortable it may feel at the moment, always makes us feel a little bit better and seem a little bit brighter. It's that reach out of the comforter that allows you to plant that first foot on the floor and it's the first conversation with that intimidating mentor that leads to a successful career. The stretch in the moment is the leap that projects us forward. 

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