Sunday, October 23, 2011

How To: Fix You

I used to be fat. Some people know this about me and others don't... it's not something that I make sure everyone knows when they first meet me... it just seems so far in the past now that I don't really think about it. And when I say I used to be fat I don't mean that I had five or ten extra pounds, I had about sixty. I went from around 215 lbs my junior year of high school to 155 by December of my senior year. I always get the questions how and why... and to be honest the why was just to be healthier and the how... well I took it one day at a time. 

That one day at a time mantra has stuck with me in its power and capability. I know now that when something needs a changin' in my life I can start with small steps daily to meet my goal. It's a simple concept really. You don't train for a marathon a week prior to its start and you can't save for a new car a month before you want to buy it. All things take time and daily steps to see results come to fruition. You want to lose that ten pounds? Set a goal and then plan small steps to achieve it. You want that college degree? Plan a course load that will help you to meet your goals. You want to be a better person? Write yourself reminders to do or not do things so you can see change in yourself. 

How do we fix ourselves?

We set a goal and then make small steps to meet it. It's crazy simple but difficult to stick with. But there's magic in the daily steps. It's a magic that can change yourself, your life, and the world. 

1 comment:

  1. You most certainly have changed your weight and you look and feel better. I love you no matter what your weight is. Not because I'm your mom but because I can. :)
